Careers Center

About Us

Global Technology Services Group has for more than 15 years provided for clients continuous Information Technology support, inventory and asset tracking management, data security destruction, product redeployment, refurbishment, value recovery return and disposal of end of life assets.

From Global's secure warehouse facility in suburban Atlanta, Global continues to offer a wide range of seamless, turnkey and customized IT management solutions. Come meet members of the Global team who make all this happen!

Our Team

Our core executive team, Jac, Colin and Mattias, have worked with one another for more than 25 years in several industries. In 1998 they formed Global to address growing demand for securely decommissioning IT assets, many of which contain highly sensitive client data but had previously been carelessly recycled.

began her 35-year professional career by working for the U.K. Government's Central Bank, The Bank of England. Subsequently, she worked for the international accounting firm, Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Today she serves as Global's Chief Executive Officer, combining her many years of experience handling confidential financial information with developing customized online IT asset control systems for Global's clients. A lover of performing arts and music, travel and sailing, she can be contacted directly at .

brings more than 25 years international business experience to the Global team, where he specializes in marketing as well as business development of one-of-a-kind solutions to meet exacting client requirements. Today Colin serves as Global's Chief Operating Officer. A graduate of Union College in Schenectady, NY, Colin earned his MBA at Ashridge Business School in England. An avid skier, sailor and diver, Colin resides with his family in Atlanta, GA and can be contacted directly at .

brings more than 25 years business experience to the Global team, specializing in international trading markets for IT assets as well as engineering development of custom IT solutions used in client retail applications. Mattias graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and today serves as Global's Chief Information Officer being accountable for development and operation of the company's high security data destruction team. An avid photographer, artist and classic car enthusiast, Mattias resides with his family in Atlanta, GA and can be contacted directly at .

leads overall daily operations of GTS’s primary Atlanta based facility. This includes daily operations, client operations, logistics as well as direct interaction with clients on special projects. Additionally he coordinates the field teams that interface with the client’s center logistics leads.

Global Technology Services Group
2850 Barrett Lakes Blvd NW, Suite 500
Kennesaw, GA 30144
(404) 551-5189